Gyrocompass AHRS
High accuracy, excellent reliability
The LCR-100 is the culmination of more than a decade of Fiber Optic Gyro (FOG) and Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) research and development. Northrop Grumman LITEF establishes this new generation of its Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) family, designed to adapt to your specific needs.
Inertial Hyrbid Navigator
Performance Monitoring for ANP
The LCR-100N INERTIAL HYBRID NAVIGATOR is the next logical step in the evolution of the Northrop Grumman LITEF LCR-100 product line. This product exploits over two decades of Fiber Optic Gyro (FOG) and MicroElectromechanical (MEMS) sensor success, and uses satellite navigation technology (GNSS) to provide a backup navigator of the first order.
Inertial Reference System
Low Cost, Small Size, Low Weight
The LCR-110 is a low cost, small size, low weight inertial reference system based on MEMS accelerometers and fiber optic gyroscopes.
Lightweight and unmatched performance.
The LITEF LCR-350B offers a state-of-the-art MEMS gyro and accelerometer technology which provides unmatched performance, and better accuracy over the entire operating spectrum.